Saturday 29 October 2016

Nonverbal communication

    Other than through our words, our emotions can be conveyed in a variety of ways, from body language to facial expressions to the way we move, dress and act.

     Communication is not just about our words, the simple motions of our bodies can have affects on the understanding of our emotions by others. An eye roll or a pouting of the lips can do as much for frustration and sadness as saying it can. Folding one's arms can be taken as a sign of wanting a person to keep away from you. Other body language like this can also help us to analyse what a character is thinking. Tapping fingers can signify impatience, a downturned brow in animation can be seen as anger, even your posture can tell someone a lot about your mood, (slouching for example can signify a lack of enthusiasm or tiredness). The distance in which people stand away from each other could also be a sign of how much they like/want to be around the person. Even silence is nonverbal communication that makes a point about the mind of a person. Hand gestures can say a lot about a character too. Open hands with a lot of movement could indicate enthusiasm where as a clenched fist is representative of anger. Overall, looking at the various forms of non verbal communication, it is clear to see that all manner of movement can send a message to others about what they are thinking and feeling. This works the same way in animation too, a character can tell a story without having any sound involved and where sound is involved, then it can enhance the realism and understanding of the emotions of the character.  

References: video, Mitchell Rose Films, Learn to speak body: tape 5,, June 13,2006

 in slideshare, Nonverbal communication,, published July 26 2011, Accessed 29 October 2016.

UK Essays. November 2013. Study Of Body Language Thesis Psychology Essay. [online]. Available from: [Accessed 29 October 2016].

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