Saturday 15 October 2016

A study of "Sadness"

Looking at research on emotions. Originally i had intended to look at anger as the emotion as this is the emotion that the snake charmer will be doing in my animation but changed my mind as this had already been done in the lecturer's presentation so for the purpose of this exercise, I will look at sadness as an emotion and try to relate it to animation.

First of all, sadness can affect us all for many reasons, it is an emotion that can stem from pain, loss, homesickness, rejection, displeasure and undesire towards something. Many use the term "Blue" as a colour to refer to sadness. It is a calm, cool and often dark colour. This was used for the colour of the character of "Sadness" in the film, "Inside Out".

Sadness is typically associated with down turned mouths, tears and slumped postures. Frowning can express it. Emotions like this can be exaggerated in a character, which becomes useful in animation.

Here are some examples of characters who experience sadness in animation.


According to microexpressions website, these are expression signs of sadness:  

 -Inner corners of the eyebrows are drawn in and then up
                                          -Skin below eyebrow triangulated, with inner corner up
                                          -Corner of the lips are drawn down
                                           -Jaw comes up
                                           -Lower lip pouts out

A form of excessive sadness, is depression which affects people all around the world daily. This is something that can be treated but overall it can be a lonely and painful experience. Animators need to be able to replicate and tackle these emotions in a realistic but respectful fashion in their work. By studying an emotion such as sadness, an animator can exaggerate it to fit a scene, create an impact with an audience or add characterisation to a character. Emotion is important in animation and it can make an animation identifiable and more powerful to an audience.    

Websites used for research:

Images:   Inside Out, Pixar:

Disney, Mickey Mouse,

A. A. Milne, Eeyore:

Pixar, Monster's Inc,

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