Sunday 9 October 2016

Pose to pose animation tutorial I found interesting and the technical workflow of pose to pose

       In this post I will write about the pros and cons of of this pose to pose animation tutorial. I think it worked very well at highlighting how animation can be created through pose to pose and its uses. Near the start of the video it mentions that it sets up a basis for building complexity in the characters. Splining is mentioned with posing highlighted as the main basis for the animation. Emotion is expressed through every pose. The pose tells us about the character.  It mentions blocking as a way of getting actions done. It goes through the process step by step. The man talks about basic keyframing and how poses help to highlight that. He times the frames nicely and takes time to zero out attributes. as he goes. It is fairly easy to follow. It is definitely a helpful tutorial for practicing pose to pose and goes on to talk about linear clamping and how to fix the keyframe timing through manipulation of the graph editor.
      If i was to criticise the tutorial though, i would say that the video seems rushed. Yes, the character has been animated and it explains blocking quite well but because of the tutor rushing, the animation is nowhere near as good as it could be. This can be overlooked though as the principles are there in a way that you can take his basics and use them as a base for further pose to pose animation.

    The technical workflow of pose to pose animation helps to create smoother flowing animations through elements such as blocking. They help animators to focus on key poses that affect the overall story and try to establish moods and emotions on the character without worrying about very subtle movements. It helps with timing and any issues when it comes to linking an animation to an audio track. Poses can be remade easily and the "extremes" can lead to an animator having a better understanding of when a pose it needed. Framing and expression can both be created in this method. Most 2D and 3D animations use this method in order to break down workflow for other members in the production team to follow more easily.    

In an upcoming post, i will use a rigged character to practice pose to pose animation using screenshots to practice the ideas presented in this tutorial.

video: MegaBcoyle, published 2/2/16

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