Friday 21 October 2016

Critique of Gorrillaz animatics


animatic layout:

Finished animation:

   These three videos look at the Gorillaz music video, "19-2000" and the development of it's animation. The storyboard firstly is well drawn with the framing clearly showing the actions and expressions of the characters. The characters, although still can clearly be understood from these drawings. Shots and camera angles have been taken into account and look at carefully in order to get the best affect from the overall animation. The annotations on the storyboard clearly depict what is going on in the story with sound effects being placed into the animatic to allow for a further understanding.


Something that this video also does nicely is adding dotted motion paths lines in order to convey the speed and directions in which characters are moving. Emotions can even be expressed through the subtleties of the half closed eyes.

    Moving on to the second video, we can clearly see the development into an animation. Although some aspects of this animatic layout are quite blocky and primitive, almost like an early 3D video game, the camera angles and directions of movement are clear with more depth given to the characters and an overall better quality in the visual effects such as the explosion at 2:20. The movement isn't as fluid as in the final video but the development and the process in which the two transition is clear.

   The finished animation has a polished look and feel and manages to combine 3D and 2D effects that work together and allow for an interesting flow to the story. Although the music has very little to do with the video, the story of both still comes across as a coherent narrative. The movement seems slowed down in places though but still well timed. The subtle movements of the hair due to wind also adds a sense of realism to an otherwise cartoony atmosphere. More of the animation principles can be seen at work here too. Anticipation is a big one here as a character seems to move slightly before an action in order to identify the motion that they are about to carry out. This is clear with the character moving his fingers before pressing the button to release the rocket at 3:17. Overall, I see this as a successful animation that has its own look and style that makes it stand out as being quite unique. It is a well timed and well animated piece that draws you in and creates an interesting narrative.  

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