Friday 18 March 2016

Good example of pose to pose

This animated short "Broken" looks at the relationship between an anthropomorphic rock, paper and scissors. It is a good example of pose to pose animation as it appears to have been created using essential keyframes with inbetweens having been added later. The fight scene seems quite complex and so would have needed to be planned out in advance of the animation in order to get the best sense of dynamic movement and weighting in the characters. The movements are also very fluid, especially in that of the Paper character which would have possibly not been as effective had straight ahead action been used. This is also evident for the other characters and the way that they move. The Rock character is animated almost like an ape in the way it moves. The arcs that it's arm make as it moves helps to convey the weight that it is carrying. This is a nice contrast with the scissors character movement. The movement of the camera is an issue that I have. The panoramic and zoomed functions of the animation are interesting and powerful at conveying a message but there are various instances of cameras switching too quickly which takes away the enthralling nature that an animation should have. This creates a disorganised movement which in a way breaks up the animation quality. Other than this though, it is a powerful story with a clear and successful emotional impact with the viewer. The key movements would have taken a much longer time and may have been slightly jerky had this been animated using a straight ahead method. As a whole though, the animation does work well with anticipation, powerful staging and movement which helps to progress the story. The principles of animation that are present here do add to the overall cartoon and the scenes do not feel crowded. The squash and stretch on the character's faces also help to add to the characterisation. I enjoyed this animation and analysing it as a form of pose to pose and overall I found that this short was a good example of it.      


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