Monday 10 April 2017

11 second club, "What we do in the Shadows"

Here are a few clips from the 11 second club competition where the quote is from New Zealand mockumentary film, "What we do in the Shadows."

    The tough part with this quote is that it deals clearly with vampires and so, looking through the list of animations, found no real new take other than vampire characters.

Here are some of them.

Here is the first one. In it, the lip syncing and the overall characterisation is quite strong but the movements of the camera and the characters are too sudden and cause the viewer to lose that relationship with the animation. It seems like the animator tried to do this as a hand held type shot almost like the actual film that the quote is from but failed to make it work.
This short character is quite well done but the other blade like character fails to interact properly with him.

Here is another animation from the same competition. This one is a 2D animation.

This animation is quite good. The characters fit the style of the dialogue and are nicely thought out. They don't come across as generic vampires like in some of the other animations. Their movements are interesting t watch and the character thought processes are clear. The small hand movements that the shorter character makes gives a Woody Allen neuroticism to the character that really allows me as a viewer to understand him. The arcs on the sword swings are particularly powerful too.  The taller character plays off of this well and is very well lip synced.

Finally I will look at the winning entry for this 11 second animation competition.

 The staging of this animation is really powerful. The characters are similar to the one before this but still take a fresh take on the quote. The way the character opens his cape and reveals the clothing is very nicely animated with facial expressions reacting perfectly to the events in the scene. I wonder what it would look like in 3D, I feel that the dark setting would not look as nice were it created using 3D software. One criticism that I found was that the framerate seems inconsistent. The latter half of the animation seems to move slower than the first half and so made me question the animation slightly. Other than this, I feel it is a really well animated piece. 


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